6th World Congress on Leishmaniasis
LeishVet Continuing Education Programme
6th World Congress on Leishmaniasis
16-20 May 2017
Toledo, Spain
LeishVet Symposium – Toledo, May 2017
Coinciding with WORLDLEISH, the 6th World Congress on Leishmainasis celebrated in Toledo last May, the LeishVet group hold a special Symposium for clinical veterinaries on Saturday May 20th, sponsored by Bayer Health Care. Virbac also collaborated with the printing of the new version of the LeishVet Guidelines that was distributed to all attendees in English and Spanish.
The act was inaugurated by Dr. Jorge Alvar (Chair of the Congress) and Dr. Guadalupe Miró both acting as moderators during the event. The speakers were all the members of the LeishVet group with a special guest in Prof. Michael Day from Bristol University (UK) who gave a conference on leishmaniosis from One Health’s perspective. There was a total of 350 veterinaries attending the event all satisfied with the scientific programme (available for downloading above) and that actively participated in an interesting debate.