International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA), Daegu, South Korea

LeishVet Symposium @
International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA)
August 19th-24th, 2018
Daegu, South Korea

A summary of the LeishVet Symposium at ICOPA, Deagu, Korea August 23rd, 2018
The LeishVet association presented a symposium at the International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA 2018) held in the city of Daegu in South Korea on August 19-24th. ICOPA is the main international parasitology congress and forum and it Is held every four years. The LeishVet symposium was presented under the title: “Leishmaniosis in dogs and cats: Disease, hosts and reservoirs”. The symposium consisted of two parts (part 1 and 2) with two keynote lectures and six regular lectures on a range of topics related to canine and feline leishmaniosis (table 1).

The LeishVet members that lectured at the congress were Drs. Christine Petersen, Patrick Bourdeau, Gaetano Oliva, Laia Solano-Gallego, Maria Grazia Pennisi and Gad Baneth (Figure 1). Dr. Andrei Mihalca from the University of Cluj-Napoca in Romania was a guest speaker.

The symposiums were well attended and the audience included veterinarains, human doctors and general parasitologists. The talks provoked lively discussions with many questions from the audience. The issues discussed related to leishmaniosis in Europe as well as in other parts of the world such as Asia, Africa and the Americas (Figures 2 and 3).

The LeishVet association presented its recommendations for management of leishmaniosis as well as innovative research performed by its members. It was an excellent opportunity to present and discuss animal leishmaniosis, research questions and dilemmas.

Figure 1 – LeishVet members at the ICOPA 2018 congress

Figure 2 – Prof. Christine Petersen presenting a Keynote Lecture

Figure 3 – Prof. Patrick Bourdeau presenting at ICOPA 2018