BrasiLeish. XXV Simpósio Internacional de Leishmaniose Visceral Canina
BrasiLeish. XXV Simpósio Internacional de Leishmaniose Visceral Canina November 23-24, 2024 Belo Horizonte, Brazil Visit the event site for mor...
ALIVE 2 – Save the Date!
LeishVet is pleased to announce the Second International Congress on Animal Leishmaniosis (ALIVE 2) in Nice, France, and online. The LeishVet Scientif...
ALIVE launches the Event website
LeishVet has recently published their website with all the information on ALIVE, Animal Leishmaniosis International Veterinary Event. The website will...
6th World Congress on Leishmaniasis
The WHO ColIaborating Centre for Leishmaniasis at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative, Geneva ha...