Laura Ordeix
Laura Ordeix
Responsible for the dermatology service at the Fundació Hospital Clínic Veterinari of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and associate professor of veterinary medicine at the same university, Barcelona, Spain
She holds a Degree in Veterinary Medicine (1996), a master’s in clinical investigation applied to health sciences (2014) and a Doctorate in Veterinary entitled “The spectrum of cutaneous manifestations in canine leishmaniosis: insights into diagnosis and immune responses” (2018) all from UAB. Moreover, she is a diplomate of the European College for Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD, 2002).

Dr. Ordeix has been member of several scientific committees of national and international meetings. Currently, she is a member of the Credentials Committee of the ECVD and an Associated Editor of Clínica de Pequeños Animales of Asociación de Veterinarios Españoles Especialistas en Pequeños Animales (AVEPA).

Her research focusses mainly on leishmaniosis and she has coordinated several research projects such as:
– Levels of allergen-specific IgE in dogs with moderate to severe leishmaniosis (European Society of Veterinary Dermatology research grant 2019).
– Improving the diagnosis of canine leishmaniosis: real time PCR on stained smears and filter paper. (European Society of Veterinary Dermatology research grant 2016).
– Characterization of Toll-like receptors and immune cytokines in cutaneous lesions from dogs with different stages of leishmaniosis and immuneresponses. (European Society of Veterinary Dermatology research grant 2012).
– Moreover, she participates in a research group on infectious and inflammatory diseases in companion animals founded by la Generalitat de Catalunya as well as in other competitive national projects.

Dr. Ordeix has participated in research and technology transfer contracts of relevance with companies and/or administrations.

She had also active participation as keynote speaker in a significant number of international or national scientific congresses, courses and seminars about veterinary dermatology. She has an important teaching experience at graduate (clinical instructor and teaching in veterinary dermatology at UAB) and post-graduate level (by supervising several students in clinical internship, residents in dermatology and continuing education to general practitioners).

Dr. Ordeix has produced about 50 peer-reviewed scientific publications in well recognized journals with a h index of 15. Moreover, she is the editor of one book on clinical dermatology in dogs and cats and author or co-author of 9 book chapters. Among those focused on leishmaniosis are:
– Fondati A., Ordeix L. Manifestaciones clínicas cutáneas. In: Leishmaniosis canina. Servet, 2014.
– Villanueva-Saz S, Ordeix L, Solano-Gallego L. Patogénesis y respuesta inmunitaria en leishmaniosis. In: Leishmaniosis canina. Servet, 2014.